Step by Step Instructions to fill the Application Form




Login Details

Your Email*

Enter your personal Email ID. This Email ID will be used during the entire admission process and for Login into the Admission Portal.

Confirm Email*

Re-enter your personal Email ID for confirmation.

Create Password*

Create a new password for the "Delhi University MBA(IB), MBA(HRD) and MBA(BA) Batch XXX (2025-2026)".

Confirm Password*

Enter the same password as you entered in the "Create Password" block above.

Mobile Number*

Enter your 10 digit mobile number (Do not add 0 or +91 before your number).

Applicant's Details

First Name*

Enter your First name in the space provided. The name should be the same as mentioned in Class X/XII/School leaving certificate. First name is mandatory.

Middle Name

Enter your Middle Name (if Applicable) in the space provided. The name should be the same as mentioned in Class X/XII/School leaving certificate.

Last Name

Enter your Last Name (if Applicable) in the space provided. The name should be the same as mentioned in Class X/XII/School leaving certificate.


Select the category from the drop-down list.


Select the appropriate gender from the drop-down list.

Date of Birth*

Click on the box provided and you can select the date, month and year of your birth from the calendar.

Age (As on 01-05-2016)

Automatically calculated when you fill the Date of Birth.


Select appropriate Nationality from the drop-down list

Mother/Father/Guardian's Name*

Enter your Mother/Father/Guardian's Name .

University Last Attended*

Please select the university from where you have completed or are pursuing the qualifying degree for MBA(IB), MBA(HRD) and MBA(BA) Batch XXX (2025-2026) in University of Delhi. If you can not find the university in the drop-down list, choose “Other” (Last option in the drop-down list) and provide the name of the university in the space provided next.


1. Fields marked with * are mandatory fields.

2. Please note that above information will be used during the entire admission process, no changes/modifications will be possible in any circumstances. Please be careful in filling up the required information in all aspects.

3. After successful submission of the Registration form, a verification link will be sent to the email address you had used to register. Please check your INBOX and follow the instructions therein to complete your registration. Please check SPAM/BULK folder in case you do not find it in your INBOX. After successful verification you can apply for MBA(IB), MBA(HRD) and MBA(BA) Batch XXX (2025-2026). If you did not receive verification link after registration, Please click on "Resend Verification Link" option, provided on the Login window, to get the verification link on the email address you had used to register.If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking on "Reset Password" option provided on the Login window.

Document Details

Upload Your Photograph*
Upload Your Signature*

Please choose files of digital or scanned documents that you need to upload in this section as a proof of information filled in the form

(Only JPG/JPEG/PNG files are allowed)

They consist of

1. Photograph (Must be passport size) with minimum resolution of "100px X 130px" and maximum size of 50KB. The format must be JPG/JPEG/PNG.

2. Signature with minimum resolution of "140px X 60px" and maximum size of 50KB. The format must be JPG/JPEG/PNG.

Identity Proof*

Select the ID proof, you wish to upload, from the drop-down list.

Identity Proof Number*

Enter the number of the ID Proof selected in previous field.

Upload Identity Proof*

3. Upload the self attested scanned copy of Photo ID Proof you selected in the previous option. Maximum size 100KB. Format must be JPG/JPEG/PNG.

Upload Class 10th Certificate*

4. Upload the self attested scanned copy of your Class 10th Certificate as Date of Birth Proof. Maximum size 100KB. Format must be JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF.

Upload Your Caste Certificate*

5. Upload the self attested scanned copy of your Caste Certificate. Maximum size 100KB. Format must be JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF.

Postal Address

Postal Address

Address Line 1*

Type in your house number, locality etc. in the address line 1.

Address Line 2*

Type in your locality etc. in the address line 2.


Enter the name of your City/District.


Select your country from drop-down list. If your country is not in list, choose “Other”(Last in the drop-down list) and enter the name of your country in the box provided next.

State/Union Territory*

Select the state/union-territory from drop-down list. If state/union-territory is not in list, choose “Other”(Last in the drop-down list) and enter the name of your state/union-territory in the box provided next.


Enetr the pincode number.


Select "Yes" from drop-down list if you have a passport. Select "No" otherwise.

Passport Number

Candidates who have a Passport must enter their passport number. This field is optional.

Note:- Foreign students must provide their passport number.


Fields marked with * are mandatory fields.

Educational Qualification

Examination Passed*

Select name of the Examination from the drop-down list. If you can not find your choice of Examination in the drop-down list, choose “Other”(Last in the drop-down list) option and enter the name of Examination in the space provided next.

Note:- Applicants who choose "Other" from drop-down list must mention their Examination Name.


Mention the names of the Stream/ Subject you have studied.


Select the name of your Board/University from the drop-down list. If you can not find the name of your board/university, choose “Other”(Last in the drop-down list) and enter the name of your Board/University in the space provided next.

Year of Passing*

Mention the year of passing for the Examination you selected.

Note: Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year Examination and are awaiting result should select the option "Yes" from the Result Awaited drop-down list.

Max. Marks/Grade Points

Mention the maximum marks/grade points(10) of the given Examination.

Note: Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year Examination and are awaiting result should select the option "Yes" from the Result Awaited drop-down list.

Marks Obt./CGPA

Mention the maximum marks/CGPA you obtained in the given Examination.

Note: Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year Examination and are awaiting result should select the option "Yes" from the Result Awaited drop-down list.


Mention the marks you obtained in the given Examination. It gets converted to percentage automatically.

Note: Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year Examination and are awaiting result should select the option "Yes" from the Result Awaited drop-down list.

Result Awaited

Only for Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year Examination in year 2016.

Note: Applicants who are appearing/have appeared in the final year Examination and are awaiting result should select the option "Yes" from the Result Awaited drop-down list.

Name of Last College Attended*

Mention the name of the College last attended.

Examination Roll Number (Only for Delhi University Students)

This option is for the students of Delhi University(DU) only. DU students should fill their Examination roll number in the given space. Students from other university should enter NA in the given space.

Scholarship/Fellowship Details

Select National Level Exam Cleared*

1. Select National Level Exam Cleared, from the list.

2. Please Provide Details Of The Selected Option:
a. Title of Fellowship
b. Certificate Number
c. Fellowship Amount
d. Date of Award

3. If the national Level Exam you have cleared is not mentioned in the list, please select "Other" (Last Option on the list) and provide the name and details of the exam cleared.

Sholarship/fellowship other than National Level Exam or Sponsored Exam*

1. Select applicable option, from the list.

2. Please Provide Details for The Selected Option.

Proposed Area of Research*

Enter the proposed area of Research.

Provide details of your proposed area of Research work and methodology in 500 words.*

Provide the details.

Past Research Experience (If Any)

Describe your Past Research Experience (if any).

Publications (If Any)

List the titles of all your publications.

Additional Information

If required, you can also provide Additional Information about your Research.

Current Employment Details

Whether Currently Employed*

Provide the required details if you are currently employed.

Select your Centre of Entrance Examination

Select Centre*

Select your option for Examination Centre.



The candidate declares that all the statements made and documents uploaded are true from belief. If any information is found to be incorrect, his candidature is liable to be cancelled and he may be subject to legal/disciplinary proceedings.


The complete form is available for preview. There are three options available at the bottom of the page viz. 'Click to Modify Application' , 'Pay Fee' & 'My Home'. In case you think you have not given correct information or have missed out something in the application form click on 'Click to Modify Application' button to edit the form. If all the entries are correct click on the ‘Pay Fee’, you will be redirected to select Payment Gateway option, select the payment gateway and pay fees. After successful payment you will get the acknowledgement mail. If you want to apply for new course or want to pay later you can click on 'My Home' button.


Fields marked with * are mandatory fields.

Payment Procedure

1. Click on the button “Click to Make Payment”.
2. Select Payment Gateway.
3. Pay your application fee.

Candidates who do not have Debit Card, Credit Card or Net Banking can use Wallet. For more information Click Here

Note:- Please note that you will not be allowed to Update/Modify the application form in any circumstances once you have paid the registration fee. The fee is non refundable.

Download Application Form

Click on the button “Print Form” to view your submitted form with form number and Qrcode.

Note:- Please note that tampered/altered application form will not be accepted/entertained by the department/university.

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